Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Auroch Muselon

Muselon was the old Milesian family cow. It was said to be a descendant of the Auroch species, and lost at least one hind leg escaping Scandinavia. Allegedly, she used to have nine legs, but now only had three. Alba would say that only Cadejo could see the missing ones, and that he said a new song was created with every hoof-fall of her hindmost spirit limb.
Jaffy used to say that Muselon would shiver in the night, bucking her head and swaying ghostly horns wildly to fend off Proto Eurasian Wolves which bubbled up from her genetic memory to invade her dreams. Some farmhands claimed that on the following mornings she gave milk of the most beautiful colors… pastel pinks and blues and soft greens. It formed a kind of disembodied rainbow (one color from each teat) on mornings with heavy mist or dew.

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