Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Lake

The Window had gone missing. This had made Boy frantic, and he'd searched for it the night Alba went missing as Frau Holda lit candles for the windows to help Alba home. After a few days Boy realized he needed to make a new plan... Something without the window.

Boy took a photo for Alba. He said she'd want it to remember, because the errand would take years.

He had made a lunch.

Actually Frau Holda made it, but Boy would tell you differently because of the level of care he had to take in instructing her what exactly must be in the sandwich, and how, carefully, it should be assembled and packed with some fruit.

Boy took it with him down to the side of the lake.
He spent an hour there, telling the lady where it was she needed to be waiting, and explaining when she must be there. It was very serious. Then he took the half of the sandwich he hadn't eaten and threw it into the lake. That's when he took out the camera, just before she left on her errand. Boy would say the splash in the water was when she waved. Boy walked back to the house.

Holda asked him why he kept throwing his sandwiches in the lake.
Boy told her the lady was his friend, but even so it was right that he should offer tribute when he asked her for favors... that's just how it was done.
“What did you ask for?” Holda asked him.

“I asked her to help Alba.” Boy said.

Holda's expression changed. She put an arm around him and hugged him, “My brother Japhy used to make sandwiches for Alba's mother when they went on trips.”
Holda smiled, “She liked them the same way you do.”

Boy nodded, “She still does.”


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